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terça-feira, 26 de julho de 2011

Vitamin D and Health

Vitamin D and Health
~ October 2003 No.173 ~
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because the human skin synthesizes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. When humans wore fewer clothes and were out of doors more, this was not a problem. However, in modern western society our time in the sun is often restricted to the occasional visit to the beach. Even then, sun screens cut down on our exposure to the sun, which is good to prevent skin cancer, but could be lowering the production of Vitamin D. It has been estimated that 10-15 minutes of sunshine 3 times a week is sufficient exposure to produce most people's requirement for vitamin D. Those living in northern regions are often at greater risk as are those who are housebound.
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because the human skin synthesizes vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. This means that it must be dissolved in oil to be absorbed into the body. It is most commonly found it foods that are also sources of oil (fat) such as certain fish, egg yolk, some vegetable oils, and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. This presents a problem when people are trying to cut down on the fat content in their diet. They may simultaneously be reducing their vitamin D intake. Disease conditions that reduce fat absorption such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, sprue, and some forms of liver disease can also lead to vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and plays a role in the development of bones and teeth. A deficiency of vitamin D can lead to soft bones or rickets. It now appears that low vitamin D status is involved in the onset of osteoporosis. Vitamin D also is involved in the regulation of the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
Recently vitamin D has been implicated in other health / disease states that may go beyond its relationship with calcium and bones. Intervention studies have shown that vitamin D or some of the compounds derived from vitamin D can 1) reduce blood pressure in hypertensives 2) improve blood glucose levels in diabetics 3) improve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. There are preliminary studies ttat indicate that low vitamin D intake may lead to increased risk of prostrate, breast, colon and other cancers.
Breast fed babies are particularly sensitive population to Vitamin D deficiency.. Human breast milk is low in vitamin D and this, together with the trend to breast feed longer, has raised concerns. If the vitamin D status of the mother is low, this only magnifies the poor nutrition of the breast feeding baby.
Milk with added vitamin D still appears to be the most common source of this important vitamin. Therefore adolescents and young women of reproductive age should ensure that they are getting enough vitamin D. For many people a daily supplement that contains vitamin D may be the best way to ensure good vitamin D status.
  1. Reference
  2. Zittermann, A. Vitamin D in preventive medicine: are we ignoring the evidence? British Journal of Nutrition, volume 89, 552-572
Other articles on vitamin d § awareness on cancer by joining breast cancer walk and other social causes.

O estresse degenera neurônios. A depressão está associada a uma progressão mais virulenta e rápida das doenças.

 Estresse, neurônios, doenças, adulto, Brain, Neurogenesis

Activin in the Brain Modulates Anxiety-Related Behavior and Adult Neurogenesis

Hiroshi Ageta,1,2 Akiko Murayama,1,2 Rika Migishima,1 Satoshi Kida,2,4 Kunihiro Tsuchida,5 Minesuke Yokoyama,1,6 and Kaoru Inokuchi1,2,3*
1Mitsubishi Kagaku Institute of Life Sciences (MITILS), Machida, Tokyo, Japan
2Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST), CREST, Kawaguchi, Japan
3Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan
4Department of Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
5Division for Therapies Against Intractable Diseases, Institute for Comprehensive Medical Science, Fujita Health University, Aichi, Japan
6Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan
Seth G. N. Grant, Editor
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, United Kingdom
* E-mail:
Conceived and designed the experiments: KI HA. Performed the experiments: HA AM RM MY. Analyzed the data: HA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SK KT. Wrote the paper: KI HA. Other: Supervised the entire project: KI.
Received August 24, 2007; Accepted February 22, 2008.
Small right arrow pointing to:This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Activin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is an endocrine hormone that regulates differentiation and proliferation of a wide variety of cells. In the brain, activin protects neurons from ischemic damage. In this study, we demonstrate that activin modulates anxiety-related behavior by analyzing ACM4 and FSM transgenic mice in which activin and follistatin (which antagonizes the activin signal), respectively, were overexpressed in a forebrain-specific manner under the control of the αCaMKII promoter. Behavioral analyses revealed that FSM mice exhibited enhanced anxiety compared to wild-type littermates, while ACM4 mice showed reduced anxiety. Importantly, survival of newly formed neurons in the subgranular zone of adult hippocampus was significantly decreased in FSM mice, which was partially rescued in ACM4/FSM double transgenic mice. Our findings demonstrate that the level of activin in the adult brain bi-directionally influences anxiety-related behavior. These results further suggest that decreases in postnatal neurogenesis caused by activin inhibition affect an anxiety-related behavior in adulthood. Activin and its signaling pathway may represent novel therapeutic targets for anxiety disorder as well as ischemic brain injury.
Anxiety disorder represents one of the most common mental illnesses [1][3]. Recently, disturbance in adult hippocampal neurogenesis was proposed to underlie anxiety-like behavior in rodents [4], [5]; however, molecular mechanisms that link hippocampal neurogenesis to anxiety disorder remains poorly understood.
Activin, a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily, is an endocrine hormone that regulates differentiation and proliferation of a wide variety of cells [6]. In the brain, activin receptor ActRII is highly expressed in forebrain region [7], [8], and its scaffold protein ARIP/S-SCAM is also localized in synaptic region [9], [10]. Furthermore, activin protects neurons from ischemic damage [11], and its expression is upregulated by neuronal activity [12], [13]. Recently, we showed that activin modulates dendritic spin morphology that is important for synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus [14], [15].
In this study, we generated and analyzed transgenic mice in which activin function in the forebrain is either suppressed or enhanced. We found that the activin activity in the adult forebrain influences locomotor activity, anxiety-related behavior, and hippocampal neurogenesis.
We explored the role activin plays in anxiety-related behavior using a transgenic mouse model that overexpresses activin or follistatin, an activin-inhibitory protein, in a forebrain-specific manner. Disturbance of activin signal during the developmental stage causes a lethal phenotype in mammals [16], [17]. To achieve postnatal, forebrain-specific expression, the αCaMKII promoter was used to drive expression of a transgene (Fig. 1A) [18], [19]. We microinjected activin and follistatin transgenes into 549 and 1183 fertilized eggs, and obtained 42 and 55 weaned mice, respectively. From these, two lines of activin transgene-integrated mice (designated ACM3 and ACM4) and one line of follistatin transgene-integrated mice (designated FSM) were obtained. Transgene-integrated mice were generated in 1% of microinjected fertilized eggs [20]. This low efficacy may have been caused by unexpected transgene expression in various tissues during the embryonic stage, because the activin signal is important for normal development. In contrast to previously generated activin- or follistatin-transgenic mice [21][23], these heterozygous transgenic mice were fertile and bred healthily, and their body weight (data not shown) and muscular strength were normal when compared to their wild-type littermates (Figure S1). Since ACM3 mice showed phenotypes similar to ACM4 mice in behavioral experiments, we hereafter describe the phenotypes of ACM4 and FSM mice.
Figure 1

Generation of transgenic mice and expression analysis of the transgene.
In situ hybridization analyses of brain sections revealed that transgene expression was restricted to the forebrain such as the hippocampus and neocortex in the adult brain (Fig. 1B). ELISA analyses also showed forebrain-specific expression of activin and follistatin in ACM4 and FSM adult mice, respectively (Fig. 1C). Low level of endogenous activin was detected in the hippocampus and neocortex in wild-type mice. Follistatin level in FSM was enough to antagonize this level of activin activity [24]. Follistatin was not detected in the infant hippocampus of FSM mice (Fig. 1C). RT-PCR revealed that follistatin- and activin-transgene were not expressed in peripheral tissues including, heart, lung, spleen, liver and kidney (Figure S2). Nissel staining showed no apparent structural abnormality in the hippocampus of each transgenic mice (Figure S3).
Open field tests were performed on transgenic mice to investigate locomotor activity (Fig. 2). FSM mice showed a decrease in time spent in locomotion and rearing when compared with wild-type littermates. In contrast, ACM4 mice showed a significant increase in rearing time. There was no genotype effect in the walking speed (Fig. 2B) and the total pathlength (Fig. 2C), indicating that walking ability of FSM and ACM4 mice was normal. These results indicate that the level of functional activin in the brain is related to general locomotor activity in a novel environment.
Figure 2

Activin protein levels in the brain influence locomotor activity.
In open field tests, the amount of time spent in the center of the field is strongly correlated with an animal's level of anxiety, a characteristic called risk-taking behavior [25], [26]. FSM mice showed decreased performance in risk-taking behavior (Fig. 2D), while ACM4 mice showed increased performance. To further assess these differences, a light and dark choice test and elevated plus-maze test were conducted. In the light and dark test, ACM4 mice accessed the lighted compartment significantly more often than wild-type littermates (Fig. 3A), however, FSM mice spent significantly more time in the dark compartment as compared to wild-type littermates. In the elevated plus-maze test, ACM4 mice spent significantly more time in the open arms of the testing apparatus than did wild-type and FSM mice (Fig. 3B). FSM mice showed no significant change in phenotype for this test.
Figure 3

Activin protein levels in the brain modulate anxiety-related behavior.
We next designed and performed an original behavioral test to measure anxiety levels (Fig. 3C), based on the observation that mice generally prefer novel objects encountered in a familiar place [27]. In this test, mice were placed in a closed box on the first day to become familiar with the box. On the second day mice were placed in the same box to which a cylinder with two entrances (novel area) had been added. FSM mice spent significantly less time accessing the novel area as compared to wild-type mice, while the total distance they traveled during the test was normal. This suggests that higher anxiety in FSM mice resulted in lower access to the novel area. Taken together, the level of functional activin in the brain modulates anxiety-related behavior. Finally, no depressive behavior was observed in FSM mice in the forced swimming test (Figure S4).
Adult neurogenesis is the production of new neurons in areas of the adult brain including the subventricular zone (SVZ) and subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampus [28]. This formation of new neurons plays a number of physiological roles including damaged neuron replacement[29], [30], memory formation [31], [32] and response to stress [33]. Moreover, some reports have recently shown that neurogenesis is involved in depression [34], [35].
We therefore examined adult neurogenesis in hippocampal SGZ of FSM and ACM4 mice (Fig. 4) using 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeling experiments. Transgenic mice were injected with BrdU (75 mg/kg body weight) three times per day for three consecutive days. Mice were sacrificed either 24 h or 4 weeks after the final injection day. BrdU is incorporated into genomic DNA by cells at S-phase, therefore, by staining with a neuronal marker (NeuN) and an anti-BrdU antibody, newly generated neurons were easily detected. A significant difference between FSM and ACM4 mice was observed in the number of SGZ BrdU-positive cells after 24 h (Fig. 4A, B). No significant difference, however, was observed between transgenic mice and wild-type littermates, indicating that the number of neuronal progenitor cells and the rate of BrdU incorporation into progenitor cells in transgenic mice were essentially normal. At the 4-week stage, however, the number of BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells in FSM mice was markedly decreased (Fig. 4C). This reduction was partially rescued by crossing with ACM4 (Fig. 4D). These results indicated that the level of activin in the brain is crucial for the maturation and maintenance of newly generated neurons.
Figure 4

Activin signal is essential for survival of newly generated neurons.
The decrease in BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells at the 4-week stage may be attributed to a decrease in the survival rate of newly formed neurons or a decrease in the rate for neuronal differentiation of new cells. Therefore, the change in the number of BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells following BrdU injections (Fig. 4E) was monitored at various developmental stages. The number of BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells was normal at the 1-week stage in FSM mice, suggesting a normal differentiation rate. However, a marked decrease was observed in the number of BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells at 2- and 3-week stages compared with wild-type littermates. Therefore, in FSM mice, the survival of newly generated neurons is significantly decreased. This indicates that activin signal is essential for the maintenance of newly generated neurons. Activin overexpression did not enhance the number of BrdU- and NeuN-double positive cells at 4 weeks, suggesting that activin overexpression is not sufficient for enhancement of adult neurogenesis (Fig. 4C).
Taken together, FSM and ACM4 mice showed opposite phenotypes in behavior. Furthermore, decrease in neurogenesis in FSM mice was partially rescued in FSM/ACM4 double transgenic mice. These results strongly suggest that the observed effects of overexpression, either follistatin or activin, are not positional transgene effects such as insertional mutations.

Cálcio e Vitamina D: importantes em todas as idades

Cálcio e Vitamina D: importantes em todas as idades

El calcio y la Vitamina D: IMPORTANTES edad Toda

Revisada en enero de 2011

Los Alimentos Que comemos una variedad contienen de Vitaminas, Minerales y otros Nutrientes IMPORTANTES Que ayudan mantener el cuerpo um sano. Pará tener huesos fuertes si necesitan dos Nutrientes en particular: el calcio y la Vitamina D.


La importancia del calcio

El es necesario calcio parágrafo Que el corazón, los Músculos y los nervios funcionen debidamente, y también para la coagulación de la sangre. La insuficiencia de calcio contribuye de manera considerável al desarrollo de la osteoporose. Publicado si han muchos estudios Que indican Que el CONSUMO inadecuado de calcio Durante Toda la vida está online relacionado con la disminución de la densidade Osea y con un alto Índice de fracturas. Encuestas nacionales Sobre la nutrición revelan que la mayoría de las personas não toman la cantidad de calcio Suficiente parágrafo Que sus huesos crezcan y Sanos si mantengan. Si recomienda Que el cuadro Consulte adjunto titulado "Requerimiento diario del Consumo de calcio" par ver cuanto calcio necesita.

Requerimiento diario del Consumo de calcio
Grupo de edad o Etapa de la vida Calcio (mg / día)
Bebés de 0 a 6 meses 200
Bebés de 6 a 12 Meses 260
1 a 3 años 700
4 a 8 años 1000
9 a 13 años 1300
14 a 18 años 1300
19 a 30 años 1000
31 a 50 años 1000
51 a 70 años, hombres 1000
51 a 70 años, mujeres 1200
Más de 70 años 1200
14 a 18 años, embarazadas / amamantando 1300
19 a 50 años, embarazadas / amamantando 1000

Fuente: El Comité de Alimentos y Nutrición, Instituto de Medicina, Academia Nacional de las Ciencias, 2010.

Pará saber cómo puede incorporar fácilmente una cantidad prefeito de calcio en su Dieta pecado alimentaria Aumentar mucho el Consumo de grasa, Consulte la siguiente Lista de Alimentos Ricos en calcio.

Selección de Alimentos Ricos en calcio
Alimento Calcio (mg)
Avena enriquecida, um paquete 350
Sardinas, enlatadas en aceite, comestibles con espinas, 3 oz (85 g) 324
Queso cheddar, 1 ½ oz (42 g), rayado 306
Leche, descremada, 1 taza 302
Batido de leite, 1 taza 300
Yogur, natural, descremado, 1 taza 300
Porotos de soja, cocidos, 1 taza 261
Tofu, firme, con calcio, ½ taza 204
Jugo de naranja, Enriquecido con calcio, 6 oz (170 g) 200-260 (variação)
Salmão, enlatado, comestibles con espinas, 3 oz (85 g) 181
Pudín, Instantaneo (banana, chocolate, etc), hecho con leche de 2%, ½ taza 153
Frijoles cocidos, 1 taza 142
Queso fresco (casa), 1% de grasa, 1 taza 138
Fideos, Lasana, 1 taza 125
Helado Blando de yogur, vainilla, ½ taza 103
Cereal listo parágrafo consumir, Enriquecido con calcio, 1 taza 100-1000 (variação)
Pizza de queso, 1 porción 100
Waffles enriquecidos, 2 100
Nabo, hervido, ½ taza 99
Brocoli, crudo, 1 taza 90
Helado, vainilla, ½ taza 85
Leche de soja o de arroz, Enriquecido con calcio, 1 taza 8-50 (variação)

Fuente: Informe del año 2004 del Cirujano Geral Sobre la salud y de los huesos osteoporose la: eis Que significa parágrafo usted. Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos, Oficina del Cirujano Geral, 2004, Páginas 12-13.


Deficiência de calcio

Aunque una Dieta equilibrada ayuda uma Opaco si absorba el calcio, SE Piensa Que el en los niveles aumento de Proteína y sodio (sal) en la Dieta provocantes Que los riñones eliminen calcio más. Por this Motivo, debe evitarse la ingestão de excesiva ESTAS Sustancias, especialmente en aquellas personas Que consumen poco calcio.

La intolerancia a la lactosa también puede resultar en el CONSUMO inadecuado de calcio. Las personas Que não toleran la lactosa não Tienen una cantidad Suficiente de la enzima lactasa, Que es necesaria para la descomposición de la lactosa Que encuentra en si los productos Lácteos. Pará Incluir productos Lácteos en la Dieta, se puede: consumir estos Alimentos en Pequenas cantidades, añadirles gotas de lactasa o Tomar la lactasa en forma de píldora. También hay algunos productos Lácteos en el Mercado a los Que ya si les ha Adicionado lactasa la.


Suplementos de calcio

Si le resulta Difícil consumir Suficiente calcio en su Dieta, es posible Que necesite Tomar un Suplemento de calcio. La cantidad de calcio Que va um necesitar de un Suplemento Depende de cuanto calcio obtiene Alimentos de sus. Existenciais en el Mercado múltiples Compuestos de calcio Como, Por ejemplo, el carbonato de calcio y el citrato de calcio, Entre otros. Todos los Suplementos de calcio de OSU generalizado Tienen buena absorción cuando si ingieren con los Alimentos, con la de las personas Excepción Que intestinales Tienen trastornos.

Suplementos de Los calcio si absorben mejor cuando si toman en Pequenas doses (500 mg Menos o) varias veces al día. Muchas personas los mejor cuando los absorben toman Junto con la comida. Es Importante leer con atención las Etiquetas de los Suplementos de calcio parágrafo comprobar Que el producto sigue las Normas establecidas por la Farmacopéia de los ESTADOS Unidos de América (USP, Por sus siglas en inglés).

Vitamina D

El cuerpo necesita Vitamina D absorvente para el calcio. Sin Suficiente Vitamina D, sem producir PODEMOS cantidades suficientes de la hormona calcitrol (conocida Como la "Vitamina D ativação"), eis Que Causa Que no se absorba Suficiente calcio Alimentos de los. Cuando ocurre esto, el cuerpo ve si Obligado um movilizar las de reservas de calcio depositado en el esqueleto, eis Que debilita el hueso existente de la formación e impide y el fortalecimiento de hueso nuevo y fuerte.

Se puede Obtener Vitamina D de tres Formas: a Traves de la piel, con la ingestão de ciertos Alimentos y Por medio de Suplementos. La Vitamina D si produzem naturalmente en el cuerpo Despues de la exposición a la luz del sol. Los Expertos recomiendan un diario CONSUMO de 600 Unidades Internacionais (UI) de Vitamina D parágrafo personas hasta los 70 años de edad. Hombres y mujeres mayores de 70 años de edad deben Aumentar su CONSUMO diario de Vitamina D uma interface de usuário 800, también pueden Que obtenerse de Suplementos o de Alimentos Ricos en Vitamina D, Como filho las yemas de huevo, el pescado de agua salada, el hígado y la leche enriquecida. El Instituto de Medicina recomienda Que los Adultos não Tomen una cantidad superiores a las 4.000 UI al día. Sin embargo, en algunos CASOS en los Que EXISTE Deficiência de Vitamina ESTA, los Médicos pueden recetar una dosis más alta.

Un Régimen completo parágrafo Combatir la osteoporose

Recuerde Que una rica en alimentación calcio y en Vitamina D es sólo una Parte del Régimen para la prevención o el tratamiento de la osteoporose. Al Igual Que el Ejercicio Físico, el CONSUMO Suficiente de calcio es una Medida Que ayuda a los fortalecer huesos um edad cualquier. Pero es posible Que ESTAS Medidas não sean suficientes par detener la Perdida de hueso causada por el Estilo de Vida, el CONSUMO Medicamentos de ciertos y la menopausia. El Médico puede determinar si, ademas de tener una adecuada y alimentación de establecer un Programa de Ejercicio Físico, necesita algun Medicamento parágrafo disminuir el riesgo de la osteoporose.

El Centro Nacional de Información sobre la Osteoporose y las Enfermedades Oseas de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud Agradece la ayuda de la Fundación Nacional de Osteoporose en la preparación de ESTA publicación.


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Vitamina D é essencial para os jovens

Vitamina D é essencial para os jovens

Pena que ela ande em falta entre nossos adolescentes, como revela uma pesquisa capitaneada por duas grandes universidades brasileiras. Essa deficiência pode comprometer o desenvolvimento da moçada e favorecer inúmeras doenças. Felizmente, dá para reverter a situação. Saiba o que é preciso fazer


Um banho de sol vale muito mais do que um belo bronzeado. Os raios do astro rei também garantem a dose certa de vitamina D, substância fundamental para o crescimento do esqueleto, sobretudo na adolescência. Mas um trabalho da Universidade de São Paulo em parceria com a Universidade Federal de São Paulo alerta: os níveis dessa vitamina estão aquém do desejável nos adolescentes. No estudo, que foi finalista do IV Prêmio SAÚDE!, a nutricionista Bárbara Peters, da USP, e seus colegas da Unifesp Lígia Martini e Mauro Fisberg analisaram as taxas do nutriente em um grupo de 136 jovens de Indaiatuba, no interior paulista.

Com idade entre 12 e 18 anos, todos os voluntários teens estavam com a saúde em dia. Mas no quesito vitamina D os resultados foram preocupantes: 62% dos avaliados apresentaram níveis baixos do nutriente, uma incidência espantosamente alta para um país ensolarado como o Brasil. “Talvez essa carência se justifique porque as pessoas adotaram hábitos que diminuem seu tempo ao ar livre”, especula Lígia Martini. E com a moçada não é diferente. Em uma era em que a diversão muitas vezes se resume ao bate-papo na internet e aos jogos de videogame, milhares de jovens preferem a comodidade do quarto a uma aventura a céu aberto.


“A vitamina D é importantíssima na adolescência, época em que há um maior desenvolvimento ósseo”, afirma Bárbara Peters. É aí que ocorre o chamado estirão, período que define a estatura de um indivíduo. Isso só é possível porque a tal da vitamina retém e armazena cálcio e fósforo no sangue. Ela atua no intestino, onde regula a absorção daqueles minerais (veja o infográfico na página seguinte). Assim, o corpo não precisa buscá-los nos ossos, poupando o esqueleto e mantendo-o sempre forte.

A vitamina D ainda dá um reforço ao sistema imune, participando da produção de proteínas antibacterianas. Sem contar que estimula o pâncreas a fabricar insulina, cuja missão é botar o açúcar para dentro das células. Isso garante o controle da glicose e, de quebra, mantém longe o diabete, que, sim, está aparecendo cada vez mais na juventude. Sem contar que o nutriente desempenha um papel nobre nos rins. Lá, inibe a ação de uma enzima conhecida como renina, que está envolvida na secreção de um hormônio capaz de levar a pressão arterial para as alturas.

A receita para a garotada desfrutar de toda essa blindagem proporcionada pela vitamina D é simples e gratuita: são necessários apenas alguns minutos de exposição ao sol (veja o quadro à esquerda). Mas você, pai ou mãe, com certeza deve se questionar: os raios solares são acusados de favorecer males como o câncer de pele, certo? Certíssimo. Mas, para prevenir essa ameaça, basta incentivar seu filho a se valer do protetor solar. “O uso do produto não impede a síntese do nutriente”, garante o dermatologista Marcus Maia, da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, vencedor do Prêmio SAÚDE! em 2008.

O fato é que não existem muitas alternativas ao sol quando o assunto é vitamina D. Alguns alimentos até fornecem pitadas da substância, caso de peixes como salmão e sardinha. Em meados de 1930, alguns países europeus começaram a fortificar pães, manteiga e afins com o nutriente. Essa medida foi tão eficaz que deu um fim ao raquitismo, carência da vitamina que provoca uma mineralização insuficiente dos ossos. O problema é que, passado algum tempo, o processo de suplementação deixou de ser monitorado e uma quantidade excessiva da vitamina foi acrescida ao leite, deflagrando casos de intoxicação em adolescentes. Resultado: a fortificação ficou meio de escanteio em quase todo o mundo, inclusive no Brasil.

De qualquer forma, rechear o cardápio da garotada com as parcas fontes da vitamina D disponíveis nas gôndolas dos supermercados não deixa de ser uma boa pedida — alguns especialistas acreditam que 10% do valor diário recomendado de ingestão da vitamina, algo em torno de 1,5 micrograma ou três copos de 250 mililitros de leite integral, seja obtido por meio da alimentação. Tudo para que o futuro da saúde do seu filho seja ensolarado. 

Comer para crescer Incentive seu filho a fazer a primeira refeição do dia sem pressa. É nela, aliás, que ele pode consumir grande parte dos alimentos que fornecem doses de vitamina D, em especial o leite. “O ideal seria tomar a bebida não apenas no café da manhã mas também naqueles lanchinhos entre uma refeição e outra”, diz Elaine Martins Bento, presidente da Associação Paulista de Nutrição. Só para ter uma ideia, a galera que faz o desjejum diariamente ingere quase o dobro de vitamina D de quem acorda e sai de casa de barriga quase vazia.

Alimento (100 g) Vitamina d (em mcg)
salmão 7
sardinha 4,5
atum 3,5
gema de ovo* 0,9
leite integral** 0,5
*1 unidade ** 250 ml

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